Proposed Temple Hill Wind Farm - Parish Meeting

View from Hough

Zone where all 5 turbines visible

View from Brandon

Hough on the Hill Parish Council objects to this application as the inappropriate form and scale will have a major detrimental impact on:

a. The quality, distinctiveness and tranquillity of the landscape *;

b. Visual intrusion by the introduction of incongruous, intrusive elements into views across the area;

c. Residential amenity due to the overbearing and oppressive relationship of the wind turbines to homes;

d.       The historic character of the area, including the setting of Loveden Hill and listed buildings within the Parish.

The Parish Council also has concerns about:

a. The effects of blade movement, especially on residents with heath problems;

b. Increased day and night-time noise in an otherwise tranquil area, leading to loss of sleep and potentially constituting a statutory nuisance;

c.       Road safety on the C001, particularly during the 11 month construction phase.

The Parish Council will be providing a further, more detailed, objection document in conjunction with other councils.

The landscape of the Parish is described in the Hough on the Hill Landscape Character Assessment.

Below is the Hough on the Hill Parish Council draft response to the planning application for the wind farm at Temple Hill.

The Parish Council is hosting a public meeting in Hough on the Hill Church Community Area on Monday 18th November 2013, commencing 7.30pm to give residents of the parish an opportunity to comment on the application.

Several other parish councils have already lodged objections.  Hough on the Hill  Parish Council’s formal response will be submitted after the public meeting.